If your question has not been asked and answered below please ask us (920) 734-1436 or email us at help@goodguyswi.com
When you’re calling after hour service, you’re calling a technician who is covering for emergencies. If you are calling them overnight, you are probably going to wake them up. If your emergency can wait for the day it is always appreciated, but know that regardless we are here for you. All fees after hours are higher including the trip charge, and all repairs.
What are your after hour rates?
The rates and additional information about how we handle service calls can be seen on this page. Please note that for Air Conditioners we do not do work in the night or once the sun sets for safety reasons.
What hours does After Hours Service begin and end?
Our operating hours are 8:00AM to 4:30PM Monday through Friday. If a call comes in after or before, you will have an option to request after hours service. If we are closed for a holiday, the after hours options will appear when you call our number all day.
If I called in during the day and it gets late, am I charged after hours?
Regular work is only performed during our office hours, and sometimes goes into early evening if we have a lot of calls. If you call monday and we have a lot of calls and cannot get to you, you will be taken care of the next business day. If you do not wish to wait you can pay for an after hours service call. Air Conditioning calls we will push to the next day, during the winter we do our best to get everyone taken care of asap due to potential freeze. Please always call in as soon as possible!
How do I get ahold of an on-call technician?
Call our main office number at 920-734-1436, and select option 1. It will transfer you to our answering service. They will take down your information and forward it to our on-call technician. They will do their best to call you ASAP, but just know they may be working on other furnaces at that time and may not be able to get there right away, but rest assured they will get you into their queue and call you when they are on the way.
What payment options are there for after hours service?
Because our office is not open, we do not have the ability to check payment history, or warranties. If they cannot verify a warranty they will require FULL PAYMENT at the time of service. We will refund applicable charges once warranty is validated. We understand this is an inconvenience, however, due to past situations we must require it be done this way.
How long will it take before a technician gets to my home?
We typically have a single on call technician, and when it is busy there can be a few in front of you. The time it takes to get there really depends on calls prior to yours that can be pending. They will communicate with you when you call in a service call request. Please be patient, our service team is very good about working efficiently.
What is different for after hours service with Air Conditioning?
Once the sun goes down we do not work on Air Conditioners. It will have to wait until the next day. We also will not work on Air Conditioning units outside while it’s raining strong due to high voltage systems and water not mixing.
What is emergency protocol (in the summer)?
There are parts of the year that we may also be in emergency protocol. You’ll know when we are if there is a notice on the top of all our pages saying we are working on a backlog of air conditioners being out. In emegency protocol we will hold off on running after hours service calls unless it’s a call-back or if it’s a (real) life threatening health situation. We do this because our entire team work non-stop all day getting to customers. We cannot, and do not want to burn any one out. It is important that everyone who works for us are well rested and ready to continue the next day to hammer through our backlogs, and part of that means drawing a line in the sand. In emergency protocol we have to prioritize our team first, and aid them in every way so that they can take care of you.
History has shown that we use this protocol only when extreme heat arrives, and statistically we get to more people when technicians are well rested versus running late night day after day. We do not have the same policy for heating, due to homes freezing.