It is a very important to us that customers buy products because they want it, they understand the benefits and downfalls, and they have time to think over their choices. So many industries have those companies that have high pressure sales, making customers feel like it’s now or never to buy something. There is no place in today’s society for this method of sales.
Educated decisions will save you a lot of money and headaches in the long run.
Tips for when buying a new Heating or Cooling system
Having second thoughts on why you need to replace? Get a second opinion!
If you are looking at replacing the unit due to problems that a technician found, but you don’t quite trust what they’re telling you… ABSOLUTELY GET A SECOND OPINION! Whether it is verified or it turns out they made a mistake, you will rest easier knowing you have confirmation one way or another. We offer no charge second opinions to verify other company’s diagnoses. Most of the time we will verify what they said, but sometimes they made a mistake or error.
Don’t let a salesman or estimator force you into a YES or NO.
Closing a sale is important to us, but it needs to be on your terms… not ours. If a company is trying to make you commit to a purchase, back far away. If they offer limited time pricing for a couple days, odds are it is all trying to get you to buy now, think later. Take your time, compare your options, and get your questions answered by the representatives. You should not have any questions when you select the company to do business with.
Warranties Matter.
The last thing you want to deal with after a large purchase is having to pay for repairs a couple years after the fact. Be sure the equipment you’re having installed has a great warranty. Nearly all our furnaces have 10 Year Parts & Labor included standard with our work, and our 16+ SEER Air Conditioners include 10 Year Parts & Labor warranty. We believe that when you invest in something so important you shouldn’t have to be blindsided with unexpected repairs. If you do our annual maintenance we will even cover the cost (at our own expense) to cover a Holiday or After Hours call on equipment we installed under an active Parts & Labor warranty.
Efficiencies over 95% is just splitting hairs.
There are furnaces that are 95% or 96% or 97% or even 98% efficient. This is not all the time, it is “up to”. When you are comparing furnaces, don’t expect that a “97% efficient” is going to save you 2% over a “95% efficient” furnace, because that is not the case. The design of high efficiency gas furnaces are all the same for the most part. In a test environment, some perform better because their engineering wants a good rating to advertise. Furnaces are rated at full fire rate efficiency. Most furnaces we put in operates at two stages, and very rarely does the furnace run in second stage. Once you are getting above 95% you have nothing to worry about, they are essentially the same.
That being said, Wisconsin Focus on Energy is infamous for having silly high efficiency ratings for kickbacks like in 2023, Focus on Energy has a $600 rebate on 97% efficient furnaces. This is frustrating to us that they do not ease it up to 95% ECM furnaces instead.
When comparing the options of furnace, it really comes down to comfort.
There are different options in all furnace lines, from single stage, two stage, and modulating burners to fixed and variable speed blower motors. These features comes down to comfort. A basic single stage furnace will heat your house. A two stage furnace will heat your home more evenly. A modulating furnace will heat even more evenly than a two-stage. The reason is how long they run and are blowing heat. When talking about blower motors the key difference is efficiency and having the option of a low speed circulate. If you have a variable speed motor we recommend leaving the “fan on” on your thermostat. Your furnace will enter a low speed circulate constantly exchanging the air, filtering it… and it is a MUST if you have a UVPhotoMAX air treatment system, or an iWave-R or Orion Ion Generator.
That being said, all furnaces will heat your house, do not let an estimator or salesman tell you that the single stage isn’t going to work. It will… the only difference is there may be a bigger temperature difference around the house and the temperature may swing 1-2 degrees between a cycle… which we feel customers do really appreciate having a more even temperature, but it is a feature, not a necesssity.
Tips when pricing tune-ups.
Every single company does their tune-ups differently. The single answer is don’t. Every company will offer their tune-ups at a competitive price, but what they do varies a lot. We have a list of items we require be done at the time of the tune-up, and it is comprehensive. There are several companies that we would trust to do a tune-up, but the one thing in common is they aren’t “cheap”. When you start chasing the lowest cost for tune-ups you typically get what you pay for.
“I personally tell people to reach out to friends and family. They have lived the experience, and know the quality of technician, work, and overall service they get.” -Dan Christensen
Costs have exploded for repair parts.
From 2020 to 2023 we have seen sharp increases on repair parts. It is very frustrating because what we get hit with we have to push onto our customers. What were once $400 repairs are now $950+ due to the part cost increasing. We have seen manufacturers raising prices on repair parts, and we believe this could be done to drive replacement. To combat this we lowered our multipliers a little to help ease the burden on customers. More than ever it is important to look at the age of the equipment when doing repairs.